Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Best Ranger Competition 2011

If it's one thing I know about, it's introspection.  That's because I only sleep 2 hours a day and spend those other six that normal people spend sleeping, on introspection.  Or dreaming of hunting, I guess.  But introspection consumes a huge chunk of that time.  And as you may guess, after a lot of introspection, one cannot help but be honest with oneself.  And so it follows that if it's one other thing I know in addition to introspection -- and leadership and how to eat oat brains -- it's this:  Honesty.  And I have this to say about honesty and the Best Ranger Competition:  If the Ranger Committee is honest with itself, it should immediately re-title its contest: "The Best Ranger Next To Stanley McChrystal Competition".

Seriously, for those of you students taking my class at Whale University, you need to know one thing about Best Ranger: It is the shit.  There is a ZERO clown quotient at the BRC with high quality training which always involves misery and pain and Jesus and no broads and no people from the fucking State Department.  Next to OTC, this is the biggest gut check in the fucking world.  That's right.  The.  Fucking. World.  And those of you who know me well know that I do not go all Shatner with my punctuation lightly.

So pass me a Bud Light Lime, and let the suckfest begin.

Rangers Lead The Way

-- Stan


  1. How does one eat oat brains? (real question)

  2. KTMAC, One eats oat brains with a spoon and the hot sauce of your choice. My favorite hot sauce? Sriracha.


Don't be a fucking clown.